Mixing it Up

Let's banish the word "exercise" and replace it by "movement". "Exercise" sounds like a chore, a forced obligation, whereas "movement" is what our bodies are designed to do; a natural, instinctive, organic sense of freedom.

Cycle to Work

Let's embrace movement, it can be anything and everywhere if we become more aware of our bodies. You can incorporate movement in your daily life such as walking up the escalators, taking the long route to get coffee, having a dance off in the kitchen, standing on one foot whilst brushing your teeth...

Most importantly, if you are into one specific type of sport, you will reap the benefits of partaking in other sports! Our bodies tend to go to the path of least resistance. Hence, mixing it up with several other forms of movement will "surprise" your body out of its comfort zone. The neuromuscular system needs to be regularly "shaken" in order to create new pathways. For example, I love Pilates and rock climbing, but I also like to play golf, cycle, even aerial circus, dance, run, or join a yoga class, and some weeks, I will just listen to my body if it feels sore and do a little less, and enjoy a long walk in the woods with Quinn (pictured below), my master HIIT trainer, instead.


Runner’s Knee, A Common Ailment Of Lockdown Running


How to add yards to your swing with one single exercise: The Single Leg Romanian Deadlift